Working Securely at Home

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It is becoming more and more common to work from home - both as a regular employee and as a consultant.

Man working at home

Let's review a few steps you can take to make sure you keep yourself and the company secure while doing so.

(1) Secure your WiFi

A wifi router

Poorly secured Wi-Fi poses a significant security risk. While attackers are unlikely to target you for your personal data, work-related data and systems are a much more valuable target.

Securing your Home WiFi

Configure your router to use WPA2 encryption. WPA may be used as a fallback. Never use WEP encryption or password-free networks as they allow attackers to easily access your network and devices.

Select a secure Wifi password. Avoid common words or simple passwords such as "password" or "123456".

Don't share your WiFi password with guests or neighbors. Modern routers support establishing a guest network for such occasions.

Do not give your WiFi network a company-related name. This will attract unwanted attention.

(2) Keep Work and Private Activities Separated

A girl on her mother's lap. Both are looking at a laptop.

Using work-issued computers and devices for personal activities can unnecessarily expose critical data to risk. Keep your digital work-life and private-life as separate as possible.

Separating Work and Private

If you are using a company issued computer for work, separation is easy. Refrain from using the machine for any private matters and do not share it with friends or family members.

If you use a private computer for work and private matters, use separate user accounts and make sure that your work data is encrypted and backed up. Doing so will prevent accidental loss in cases where the computer becomes infected with malware or is physically damaged.

(3) Physical Security

Man breaking open a door

Working at home puts work-related devices and documents at an increased risk of physical theft. An open window or an unlocked door can quickly lead to a major data-loss incident.

Preventing Theft

Keep your doors locked and avoid working next to open windows around ground level.

If possible, lock away all work hardware and documents in a dedicated cabinet or desk drawer when you aren't using them.

Keep track of all work-related devices and documents that you keep at your home. Theft often goes unnoticed.

Be watchful of strangers such as maintenance or repair workers around your work devices and documents.

(4) Network Security

A wifi symbol

Even with a secure WiFi router, home networks add risk to your workflow.

Mitigating Network Risks

If possible, perform all work while connected to a corporate VPN. This isolates you from much of the risks the home network poses.

Make sure that your router and other network hardware are running the latest software / firmware. Update them if required.

Install antivirus software on all computers accessing the home network. This includes smart devices and those used by family members. Many kinds of malware are designed to spread to other devices on the same network.

Let's put what you've learned into practice.

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What objects must be kept secure at home? (0 of 4 found)

A home office setup Window Laptop Documents Phone

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